How to Get Rid of Melancholy and Lethargy in Your Day To Day

Are there days when you feel down and lethargic, and you just can’t get motivated? How do you cope with those low moods?
Suffering from melancholy, hassles, and setbacks are something that everyone is familiar with and happen throughout your daily life.
Life is full of ups and downs, and this is even more relevant ever since the emergence of the covid pandemic.
The pandemic is the leading reason for melancholy. It has majorly affected our lives. According to one survey, 24% of the population in the U.S was not too happy, and this is considered to be a record high.
Suffering from negative emotions can be unsettling, and as adults, we tend to keep all of that negativity bottled up within us, which takes a toll on our bodies as well. Emotions are a normal part of our lives and should not be hidden.
But why do we experience periods of melancholy? And why do we get so tired and unfocused in the middle of the day?
Our ‘normal’ sleep cycle promotes a lack of sleep, or decreased alertness, which is especially prevalent in the afternoon.
Additionally, the diets that we follow do not support the chemicals our brain needs to improve our mood.
What are those chemicals? A key one is serotonin.
Also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin acts as a hormone that carries messages between nerve cells in your brain and throughout your body, which tell them how to work.
Serotonin plays a role in many of your body’s functions:
When it comes to mood, serotonin is responsible for regulating the feel-good chemical in your brain, which improves your mood and gets rid of any mental ailments such as melancholy or lethargy.
When your serotonin levels are normal, you feel focused and emotionally stable. However, lower levels are linked to depression, due to which many anxiety and depression medication target improvement in serotonin levels.
In addition to that, serotonin levels are related to sleep as well. The combination of dopamine and this chemical play a vital role in the quality of your sleep and is needed for our brain to make melatonin, which aids in the sleep-wake cycle.
Besides depression, sleep problems, and poor mood, what other health problems are associated with low serotonin levels?
- Anxiety
- Digestive problems
- Suicidal behavior
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Post-traumatic stress disorder.
What can you do to improve mood, focus, and sleep?
Take walks outside
There are many reasons, from brain health to improvement in mood, which benefit from regular exercise and walks.
Regular exercise is proven to increase serotonin levels, but this does not mean spending hours in the gym. A short walk also counts as exercise and can get those happy chemicals flowing.
Additionally, there is also a direct relationship between exercise and cognitive ability, especially attention.
Start your morning with sunshine, or try to get more sunshine in your day
Studies show that exposure to sunlight has a direct impact on your melatonin and serotonin levels. Less sunlight triggers the brain to produce more melatonin, while more sunlight triggers the brain to produce more serotonin.
This can create imbalances as well because there may be days with long days and short nights, or vice versa, which can upset the chemical production process and can be a cause for depression in some people.
Lower stress levels
Doing any physical activity can act as a stress reliever and helps lower stress levels. In addition to that, meditation is also another activity that helps in reducing stress.
This is because meditating can help you regain focus and arrange your thoughts so that they aren’t as random and prominent within your mind.
This activity instills a sense of calmness within you, bringing you a feeling of serenity and spiritual balance, which is great for your well-being.
There are many great books out there, such as the free book “Calming the Chaos” 7-day guided meditation journey, which can help you set a foundation and guarantee the best start for your journey to spiritual wellness.
Introducing Dr. Nandi’s Mood Support
The aim of this supplement is to create a safe and efficient solution to help patients improve their mood and get rid of any melancholy they are feeling.
We have collaborated with one of the most brilliant minds this generation has to offer and have come up with an effective mood support supplement that promotes a balanced mood.
A stressful lifestyle paired with a poor diet can cause a reduction in your serotonin levels, but with a mood supplement, you can replenish that serotonin and live a healthy life, free from any mood imbalances and lack of sleep.
Mood Support has shown a noticeable increase in serotonin, and consumption of this supplement successfully bypasses the conversion of tryptophan to Mood Support and thus supports optimal levels of serotonin.
Additionally, Mood Support is also beneficial in serotonin production due to its capabilities which help it cross the blood-brain barrier.
Mood and Comfort
An average level of serotonin is directly linked to having a sense of calmness and relaxation, and studies have suggested that Mood Support helps in maintaining a healthy state of mind, all the while supporting a healthy amount of sleep as well.
Sleep Support
In addition to improving your overall mood, serotonin production is also beneficial to getting proper sleep as well. Mood Support has been recorded to promote a healthy sleep cycle and extends the duration of the REM sleep phase as well.
Appetite Regulation
Another great feature of the Mood Support supplement is that it regulates your overall appetite levels as well.
This supplement has a direct impact on your carbohydrate cravings. Additionally, it supports appetite homeostasis as well, which promotes a hearty appetite.
Feelings like anger, sadness, and melancholy are all normal and should not stay bottled up within you. However, you should visit a physician if these feelings persist for a longer period of time.
There are many activities, such as going on a social media cleanse or taking a walk in the sunlight, which can help you improve your mood and promotes a good night’s sleep as well.
Stress plays a vital role in mood imbalances and can be the root cause of a bad mood. This is why it is crucial to manage this stress through different acts such as meditation.
If you are struggling with where to begin, there are plenty of books that can help you with that. Such as the free book “Calming the Chaos,” 7-day guided meditation journey.
In addition to that, there are other mood support supplements that you can take in order to improve your mood if the mood disorders are drastic enough.
Mood Support is a revolutionary supplement that will provide you with everything it needs to ensure a balanced emotional state. However, before taking any supplement, make sure to consult with a healthcare professional.